Product detail
Product detail refers to the essential information displayed to customers, including the product title, description, images, price, variants, and other relevant details.
Last updated
Product detail refers to the essential information displayed to customers, including the product title, description, images, price, variants, and other relevant details.
Last updated
To install the "Product detail" section in our app. You can follow these steps and the images below:
Click on the 'Library' section.
In the tab "Sections", search for the keyword "Product detail".
Choose a suitable Product detail template and install it.
In your theme, add "Product detail" section to the product page.
If you are using our theme, you can skip this step install "Product detail" section.
Step 1: Configuring size chart.
Step 2: Go to the product page and select the correct product for which you just created the size chart.
Then, you will see the size chart displayed in the product details.
If you don't select the correct product for which you set up the size chart, it will not be displayed.
Step 1: Configuring color swatches.
Step 2: Set up in block "Variant picker".
Color selector type "Color swatch"
Color selector type "Pill with color swatch"
Color selector type "Image"
Color selector type "Dropdown"
Color selector type "Pills"
To set up the 'Complementary products' and 'Product bundles' blocks, you can follow the instructions below.
Step 1: Install the "Search & Discovery" app.
Step 2: Choose the correct product name displayed in the product details and select complementary products.
When the "Complementary products" , "Product bundles" block is added to the "Product detail" section, the interface will look like the image below.
User can purchase multile products the same time
If all items are added to the cart or out of stock, the 'Complementary products' and 'Product bundles' blocks will not display anything.