Color block and color scheme
Learn about color block, color scheme, and how to use them.
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Learn about color block, color scheme, and how to use them.
Last updated
The color block is used in sections to customize the color for only that section.
The color scheme is a set of colors. It is created to consistently apply colors throughout different sections of the theme, allowing for quick customization of your storefront's color.
Below are all the colors in a color scheme that will be used for all sections of Smind.
Color is applied to the background of the sections.
Background gradient
A gradient of colors is applied to the background of some sections. Background gradients replace the background where possible.
Color is applied to the block text and border.
Color is applied to the subheading of sections.
Solid button background
Color is applied to the primary button background.
Solid button label
Color is applied to the primary button text.
Outline button
Color is applied to the secondary button text and border.
Color is applied to the shadows.
Add "Color block" to the section (skip this step if "Color block" is already in the section). Then, customize the colors according to your preference.
When you use the color block, it only affects the section that contains it, and the color scheme will not work in that section.
If you change the background color in the color block, but the background of the section doesn't change, it might be because the background block is active. To apply the background color, you need to either hide or delete the background block.
To understand how to use the color scheme, read this article.
If you change the color scheme, but the color of the section doesn't change, it might be because the color block is active. To apply the color scheme, you need to either hide or delete the color block.
If you change the color scheme, but the background of the section doesn't change, it might be because the background block is active. To apply the background color, you need to either hide or delete the background block.
For sections with two color schemes, the "Section color scheme" will be applied to both the border and shadow colors of the cards.