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Last updated
Click on the 'Library' in our app.
In the tab 'Styles', choose a suitable styles anh click the 'Install' button.
Acces your theme -> Click the "Theme setting" -> Scroll to "Theme style" -> Change theme style you want -> Click the "Change style" button.
How to customize style?
Access your theme -> Click the "Theme setting" -> Customize the style you want.
Colors: Allows you to customize the color scheme of your website
Typography: Refers to the fonts used for the content on your website. you can also adjust font, font size scale, line height scale, letter spacing scale for heading and body.
Typography (advance): Allow you adjust element like desktop headings, mobile headings, button, subheading, bage, menu, price.
Layout: Help controls the structure of your website, such as the width of the page, grid systems (number of columns).
Animations: Help you adjust the effects of the button and image.
Buttons: You can adjust the button padding, scale, border, and shadow of the buttons on your website
Variant pills: Help customize these variants appear in product page like border, shadow, color swatch ( variant name, color configuration).
Inputs: Include text fields, checkboxes, and radio buttons where users can enter information or make selections, you can customize border and shadow of the inputs.
Icons: You can select icon style (package 1, 2, 3), adjust icon thickness and icon scale.
Product cards: You can select the style (Standard or Card) and adjust the image padding, border, and shadow.
Product badges: Indicate special attributes, such as "Sale badge" or "Sold out badge". You can toggle the Enable Badges mode, adjust the corner radius, and change the color (text, background).
Blog cards: Display posts in a grid format. You can select the style (Standard or Card) and adjust the image padding, border, and shadow.
Content containers: You can adjust the border (thickness, opacity, corner radius) and the shadow (blur, opacity)
Media: Including Images, Videos. : You can adjust the border (thickness, opacity, corner radius) and the shadow (blur, opacity).
Dropdown, popup: You can adjust the border (thickness, opacity, corner radius) and the shadow (blur, opacity).
Social media: You can customize the link of the social accounts like Facebook, Instagram and more.
Favicon: a favicon is the small, customizable icon that appears in the browser tab next to your store's title. You can choose a favicon image for your website.
Currency format: You can toggle the "Show currency codes".
Custom Css: You can enter the codes to customize the CSS for your theme..
How to change the style?
Access your theme -> Delete the old style in "Global" -> Add the new style you want.
How to customize style?
Access your theme -> Add the style you just installed to 'Global' -> Customize the style you want.
You can customize the style of the store using a different theme (not Smind theme), such as store using smind theme